Full Partners


The Consortium involves four Higher Education Institutions with noted educational experience in Composites:

University of Minho

(Guimarães, Portugal)

Full Partner/Coordinator

La Rochelle Université

(La Rochelle, France)

Full Partner

Universitat Politecnica
de Catalunya

(Barcelona, Spain)

Full Partner

Università di Padova

(Padova, Italy)

Full Partner


The NORISK boasts a large number of Associated Partners (AP) worldwide (43 up to now), including HEIs, international authorities, end-users, industry and NGO Institutions. Their close participation in Master’s activities, namely by providing lectures and seminars (during coursework units, Integration Week and the annual NORISK workshop), co-supervise of MSc dissertations, allowing internships of students during the dissertation period attending the bi-annual general meetings of the Consortium Management Board (CMB), and drafting final course material of the Master will bring also excellence and innovation as well as pragmatic and realistic thoughts.

Higher Education Institution



Non-governmental Associations

Higher Education Institution


University of
Natural Resources
and Life Sciences



Fundancion Tecnalia

European Commission, Joint Research Centre

Non-governmental and Non-profit Associations 

Local, Regional and National Authorities